quinta-feira, 26 de junho de 2014


The last little people drawing and begging to make the people clothes

It was hard, very hard, not to draw a lot of people in a little space, but my Pc start to crash with my Windows Vista crashing, so I installed the Windows 8 that I don´t know how to use, but I made this installation in an old hard drive and after one day it died. 

I hate Hard drives, hope that the new type: SSD disk that are really a big chip of memory can work better and for a long time.

This is not an orgy, I will put the clothes now!

quarta-feira, 25 de junho de 2014

A little colors

Working despite of my war against my Hard drives. Everytime that my windows getting trouble it becomes a complete mass in my life.

A Bad day!

The terrible part in drawing with the PC is that day when the system is not working well. I was using the Windows Vista, and some crash started to happen, so I try my look with the Windows 8, the interface has somethings of the Xbox 360, put in the Videogame, it is simple in the Windows 8 it is a very complicated stuf. God helps me!

Windows 8

Aquela hora que olho para isso e penso onde está o botão de desligar!
Eu me sinto completamente perdido!

The time the a look to is and think where is the button to turn off!
I am lost!

segunda-feira, 23 de junho de 2014

Nasty Nun!

Sexy Nun for my next commissions:


From the First Movie of TMTZ!

Deviant Art Visits!

My best month at Deviant
O meu melhor mês no Deviant Art:
O Estranho é que eu quase não tenho lançando desenhos e mesmo assim a audiência aumento!
The strange part it that my visits is getting High but I almost don´t launch anything there.
This is Alien!
São os Aliens!