sábado, 15 de maio de 2021

Monkeys and Fever.


The sketch of this commission is almost over, few little monkeys to end, but the Background is really done, but it was had with many details and I am with a very hard cold (fever) for the last 4 weeks, just when I thinking I am getting better the fever cames very strong, so the same time that I typing here, I am feeling a lot of hot body temperature. The Weather now here is almost cold. It is not covid, but it is terrible.

sexta-feira, 7 de maio de 2021

Recovering but not 100%


I am coming from 21 days of a hard cold(flu), at the last Sunday (2/5/2021) (5/2/2021 Brasil) I got a lot of fever, after that day the my body started to get better, but I am still taking medicine do control the fever.

domingo, 2 de maio de 2021

Still in Fever


The last days are being hard for me because of the Flu (cold), I m getting almost two weeks with a lot of fever, I got a better in the last 4 days, but today at night the fever returned very stronger. The bad part is really sleep, I did not usually to sleep well before and now it got worse. For sure I am not with Covid because I few a lot of hot, sweating even with the temperature low, not feeling well!

The last days used to be better in the morning by feeling terrible at night. 

Taking all the medicine here. Hope that I can recover my healthy soon!